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Tight Buns

December 23rd, 2008by Vicky · No Comments

European hottie Marco gets his gear off and blends in quite nicely with the rocks and sand in the background. Displaying a nicely toned butt and a lean physique Marco is sure to be popular with the ladies.

To view the full set of Marco’s pic, join us at

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Beach Bum

December 4th, 2008by Vicky · No Comments

It’s fun to collect things that get washed up on the beach. Shells, driftwood, messages in a bottle, nude guys…

Marco here looks like the perfect castaway, oblivious to our prying eyes. There’s a lovely innocence to this pic, not to mention a certain artistic verve. Of course, he’s much MUCH more in the other photos.

If you want to see Marco’s rather impressive cock, you’ll need to visit

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A Gorgeous Groin

November 1st, 2008by Vicky · No Comments

Gustav here certainly makes for a lovely piece of eye candy. He’s very good looking in a puppyish kind of way, and those groin muscles are just amazing. He’s got quite a hot cock to boot.

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Kinky couple have some hot sex while her hands are tied

August 31st, 2008by Vicky · No Comments

I think this set of pics are hot. There is something about being slightly out of control that having your hands tied brings to sex. This couple is so , and when he peels her fishnets off with his teeth, I knew then he had something in mind other then just bread and butter sex. Click here for my gallery, or check out Steamy Erotica For Her full of couples having steamy sex and occasionally getting kinky. ;)

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Lots of Body Butter

June 29th, 2008by Vicky · No Comments

My kitchen tonight was turned into a body butter factory. :)In addition to being a hip slick and cool female pornographer, I also make home made soaps and body butter. In a few weeks, I’m attending a convention and vending my products, so I had to get some ready. So I mixed up 8 lbs of my all natural whipped shea butter. Mmmm, I love this stuff. It feels so soft on your skin, and really helps in this dry climate. Life isn’t all porn, don’t cha know. ;)

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Hello Cheeky

June 23rd, 2008by Vicky · 1 Comment

Well, hello there Sailor!

Actually, Troy here is in the Army but that’s not important right now. What IS more important than the way he looks in fatigues is that cheeky, naughty smile… and that very cute butt. Yes, sir, I’m impressed.

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Buns For Breakfast

June 12th, 2008by Vicky · 1 Comment

This is your typical breakfast scene - the morning papers, a bit of fresh fruit, and after that, some down and dirty morning . Laura’s are clearly satisfying James’ hunger in this pic, and things get much hotter later on when she sucks his cock and they fuck each other hard.

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I don’t recommend cutting your hair with a weedwacker…

April 18th, 2008by Vicky · No Comments

Well my husband and I were getting ready to do some gravel hauling when he had to replace a part on our garden tractor. I decided to get out the weed wacker, and trim under our mesquite trees in the front yard.

Now these trees have branches that are fairly low, so I was bent over going under the trees. I was practing safe weed wacking…had my safety goggles on over my glasses.

All of a sudden it felt like a cat jumped out of the tree, stuck all its claws into my scalp and hung on for dear life. I screamed, and started yelling “get it off me” at the top of my lungs.

MadHatter came running out of the garage, vaulted a rather large bush, and found me on the ground screaming and it appeard I was studying the motor of the weed eater REAL close.

As he came around he found the motor had sucked my hair into it, and was wrapped around the impellor. He had to go get sissors from the house to cut me loose.

So I went this evening and got my hair cut and now it is mid back and shoulder length in layers instead of down to my butt. It looks a lot healthier I admit, but I do miss the long hair.

So If you have long hair, and are going to use a weed eater…my advice is put your hair in a bun before you do because getting your hair cut by a weed wacker is no fun.

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