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For The Girls Updates Their Tour

November 23rd, 2008by Vicky · No Comments

Have you visited For The Girls lately? The two gals that run this site have updated the tour, and wow is it nice! It has a lot more pages, more samples of the kind of pictures AND movies you get inside, and just a lot more in-depth information of the members area of the site. I really like it a LOT, and I think you will too.

I’ve been in the members area a few times, and this is the one site that is REALLY worth the monthly fee. They not only have a lot of hot pics and movies, but Grandma Scrotum has a tips advice, they have great exclusive stories and articles, and a lot more. It is easy to see that one of the dynamic duo is a journalist, as everything is so well written.

So if you haven’t visite For The Girls lately, check it out!

Here is a hot couple making out on the couch for you celebrating For The Girls new tour!

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