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"Julie, you're not going anywhere without me." Susannah whispered as she leaned over and kissed me full on the mouth. I was so shocked, I couldn't even give her a proper kiss back when she did it. We broke apart, rather awkwardly, and I found myself giggling like little girl. I was just going to make another comment, when I found ourselves entering the room, and my eyes were immediately drawn to the most handsome man I have ever seen in my life. He was a Roman soldier, wearing nothing more than his boots, and his gleaves. His magnificent cock, was just starting to get erect, and I found myself staring at it. It almost seemed like he felt the weight of my stare, when his eyes turned and looked full at me. I couldn't stop myself I continued to stare at his cock and watched it get more and more erect, until it was sticking straight out. I found myself licking my lips, at the thought of it in my mouth. My eyes darted guiltily up to his face, and I felt a blush start as he looked at me with a half smile on his face, enjoying me watching him get erect. I felt my inner womanhood begin to moisten and swell at his look....and thought of that beautiful member inside me.

During this time Susannah was looking around the room until she spotted the man I was staring at. "There is Brad over there!" And I saw to my delight, that she was pointing to the man that I was staring at. We walked over to him, and I saw his smile get very wide as he watched us approach.

"Susannah! I haven't seen you at one of these in a long time. Who is this delicious looking friend you've brought with you? I don't remember ever seen around the palace before."

"Brad, this is my friend Julie. She's never been to an orgy before. I told her that you and I could please her together and ensure that her first orgy is a memorable experience."

When Susannah finished talking, Brant took a slow look from the top of my head to the tips of my toes, and back again. His gaze felt like a caress against my already heated skin, and I found myself shivering just a bit at the thought of this beautiful man making love to me.

He reached over, and gently put his hands on either side of my face, drawing me towards him. At the last second, I closed my eyes, just as his incredibly soft but firm lips touched mine with a gentle caress.

"Open your mouth for me Julie." Brad breathed against my mouth. "Let me taste the nectar of your mouth, sweetheart. Just a small taste."

I found my mouth opening under his lips, almost against my will. I felt his tongue slide gently into my mouth. I had never had a man kiss me that way. It felt like heaven. His tongue stroked along the side of my tongue, urging me into a dance that felt as old as time, yet new is this morning's rain.

After what felt like an mere seconds, he withdrew his tongue. "Honey. I just knew that your mouth would taste just like honey. The same taste and color is your glorious hair." he said, gently rubbing my scalp with his fingers until I though I was going to rub up against him and purr. I found myself standing there staring up at him, unable to form a single reply. He then reached down and took my hand, linking his fingers in mine. He then took his other hand, liked his fingers weith Susannah, and told us "come over here ladies. Let me have the pleasure of loving the two of you during this orgy. I don't want any other woman in this room...and I don't want to share either of you with anyone else.

He led us over to a corner where there were some plush gold pillows that was thankfully empty of other people. I found myself really glad for that, because I was a little nervous about a lot of people being around us, or watching us. "Brad, I want you to take Susannah on top of you first. I want to lick your cock, as it slides in and out of her. I want to taste her juices, while they mingle with yours."

I found myself staring at Susannah, while turned into someone I didn't even know. She just smiled with a knowing smile while I watched Brad lay down with his hard cock sticking straight up. Susanna reached down, and gently spread my inner lips, and ran her finger along my wet clef. "Oh, Brad, she is really wet. And her lips are so swollen." I couldn't believe how good her touch felt, as her fingers gently explored my womanhood. Then, she gently eased one finger inside me. "And she's really tight, I don't know if you're going to be able to get your cock inside her."

Susannah gently lowered me on top of Brad so that his cock was right outside my womanhood, gently touching the outer lips. She gently inserted a second finger inside me, and I felt all of my inner muscles clench around her fingers. She moved them in and out of me slowly, than increasing the pace faster and faster. I felt my body reaching for something it'd never felt. Some type of plateau, but I was afraid. I knew I was going to spin off into space, if she continued. I went to grab her hand to ask her to stop, when she withdrew her fingers and looked at Brad and said, "I think she's ready for you now Brad."

She reached down and grabed Brad's enormous erection, and guided it inside me. I felt all of my inner muscles stretching, trying to accommodate his girth. Nothing had ever felt as good as his cock inside me. Once I was lowered all way down, I felt myself groaning out loud, while Susannah gently stroked my breasts as Brad began to gently pump inside and out of me. Again, I felt the sensation building up inside of me. I felt like I was almost ready to explode, when Brad gently eased me off his cock much to my dismay. Before I could protest, he had me turn around, and face him. And while he wrapped his hands around my hips, he urged me back onto his cock. He rocked me back and forth harder and faster on his cock, until I fell something behind us, and realized that Susannah was licking his cock in between strokes. Faster and faster, his member moved in and out of me until I couldn't hold back anymore and found myself exploding into a million stars and gripped with spasms of pleasure. I had never felt like that before. When the shudders is finally stopped, I whispered, "what was that? I've never felt anything like that before."

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