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Oh the joys of governments

July 18th, 2008by Vicky ·

I’ve been going crazy with trying to change the status of my one business. My ex accountant told me years ago to set up two corporations. One for my online web business, and one for a part-time making soap as a hobby business.

Well it came to pass that the yearly fees to renew the soap business were costing more than the gross income the business produced, so my new accountant suggested changing the status to a dba under my existing web corporation. No more annual list of officers, state business license. Just my yearly town license.

Sounds simple. But I go to the town office and I have to have something from the state showing proof of the change. The DBA I filed is not enough. She hands me a stack of forms. So I called our state office and get a very nice man on the phone that says we can do a compliance doc. So he sends me the form, I fill it out, I get it notarized, I send it back, he signs it, he faxes it back.

Meanwhile, I fill out all the state forms they require, attach checks, and once I get the compliance doc back, I mail that off.

I’m happy, I get down to the town office today and find out, well you have to go to the planning department. Doesn’t matter that this is an existing business…you are closing it, and re-opening the same business under your corp, so planning department has to approve it.

Sooo I got down to the planning department. Now our planning department is notorious for requesting some pretty outrageous things, so I’m dreading this. What if they say I can’t practice my web business any more out of my house?

Fortunately, when I explained that I have two business, both do everything online, no clients come to my house, I’m reassured that I pay $10.00, I go back next week Tues or Wed, and the paperwork will be ready. Then I can go back to the town office, and will be good to go.

So I have to file two different forms, write a letter, pay a fee, and a deposit with our state. I had to file one form with the planning department, and about 5 forms with my town. All to change a corporation to a dba. Don’t you just love the government?


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