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Happy Thanksgiving

November 27th, 2008by Vicky · No Comments

Today we finished up on our kitchen shelf corner and shelf project, which lead to cleaning the entire house. Not a traditional Thanksgiving, but since my hubby and I don’t have family in town, we tend to spend our Thanksgiving alone.

While I was cleaning, I just said a lot of thanks. Thanks that I have a house to live in. Good food. A job I love. A good man. There are so many people in this country today that don’t have a home due to foreclosures. That don’t have a job due to plant shut downs. Or enough food. I am grateful for what I have.

Today is a day of thanks, and I hope that your life too is blessed with many things that have you saying Thanks.

Finished shelves and our new pantry.

Finished shelves and our new pantry.

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Early Morning Nookie

November 25th, 2008by Vicky · No Comments

George wakes up next to Katerina feeling a little frisky. Some kissing and lusty clit licking soon has her in the mood for a bit of early morning

These pics and thousands more gorgeous couples pics are at

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Couple having romantic sex

November 24th, 2008by Vicky · No Comments

I worked today on a new gallery template for one of my favorite sites, For The Girls. As I posted a few days ago, they have a new tour design, so I wanted galleries that reflected the new tour. I love the pics of this couple, they spend a lot of time kissing and touching. And my favorite is the picture below. They both look as if they are REALLY into the lovemaking, not posing. That is the kind of sex pictures I love, and you will find in my Romantic Couples For Her, and of course at For The Girls. Take a peek, I bet you like the pics.

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No work done in the kitchen today

November 24th, 2008by Vicky · No Comments

We spent so much time at Home Depot and WalMart, over 4 hours total, that by the time we got home it was too late to start on the project. We have to paint the shelves outside in the sun so they will dry fast, and the sun was starting to set.

This is what happens when you live in a small town and the social center is WalMart, and now Home Depot too. We always run into people we know and chat. We can never just run in and out of a store anymore….it always involves stopping to talk.

When we got to WalMart, I looked at my watch and told Jim, lets try to run in and out. Well, we ran into an old friend, had to wait for paint to be mixed, and the lines were kinda long. But the time we got back out, it was an hour almost exactly, and all we bought were two cans of mixed paint, lol.

Tomorrow we have to get all the shelves painted, as they are calling for rain starting Tues night. And I’m also getting kinda tired of my kitchen looking like a bomb went off with stuff everywhere.

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At a loss for words, here is some random nonsense to help you out

November 24th, 2008by Vicky · No Comments

On the webmaster board that I hang out on, people were posting their favorite wordpress plugins. One webmaster wrote:

If you can’t think of something to write or if your just not in the mood to blog,this plugin automatically writes interesting,entertaining posts for you

One webmistress was really interested in this plugin (wouldn’t all of us) and a snarky webmaster posted a link up to random nonsense.  I admit, I wasted about 5 minutes clicking the “keep clicking here” button to reload some truly odd sentences.   Now if they could only make a REAL WP plug in for . ;)

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Day two of the painting project.

November 23rd, 2008by Vicky · No Comments

Today we got the edges airbrushed around the doors and wall, and then splattered everything to give it an aged, early American look.  Below are some pics from this step.

Me airbrushing. My first time, and it was a challenge to get the paint where I wanted it to go.

Me airbrushing. My first time, and it was a challenge to get the paint where I wanted it to go.

My husband is a much better airbrusher, he has done this alot.

My husband is a much better airbrusher, he has done this alot.

After airbrushing the edges, but before the splattering

After airbrushing the edges, but before the splattering

closeup of splatter effect. We did the walls and the doors like this.

closeup of splatter effect. We did the walls and the doors like this.

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For The Girls Updates Their Tour

November 23rd, 2008by Vicky · No Comments

Have you visited For The Girls lately? The two gals that run this site have updated the tour, and wow is it nice! It has a lot more pages, more samples of the kind of pictures AND movies you get inside, and just a lot more in-depth information of the members area of the site. I really like it a LOT, and I think you will too.

I’ve been in the members area a few times, and this is the one site that is REALLY worth the monthly fee. They not only have a lot of hot pics and movies, but Grandma Scrotum has a sex tips advice, they have great exclusive stories and articles, and a lot more. It is easy to see that one of the dynamic duo is a journalist, as everything is so well written.

So if you haven’t visite For The Girls lately, check it out!

Here is a hot couple making out on the couch for you celebrating For The Girls new tour!

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Day one of painting the kitchen

November 22nd, 2008by Vicky · No Comments

My husband and I decided to finally paint the kitchen. have faux finish paint techniques on every other room of the house but the kitchen and the laundry room. The kitchen is a big challenge, because we have a 15′ high wall on one side, due to a, well, box the owner put on the roof. Hard to explain. Looks really weird from outside, but inside it makes for a really cool kitchen.

Before painting you can see the wall is a lot taller on this wall

Before painting, plain white walls. yucch.

We decided to try and paint the wall to look patina ed copper, so we bought a quart of copper, some green that looks like the “antique green” color. Took a textured roller and rolled on the green, so that it showed white patterns behind the green. Then I tried sponging in some copper, and it looked horrible. Not to mention the green dried a LOT darker than we thought it would be.

So back to Home Depot, and bought some mint green paint. Came back and used a different sponge texture roller and rolled the mint green over the darker green. It is now looking like early american wood on the walls, and looking kinda cool.

We decided instead of going for the patina look on the walls, we’d do it on the inset door panels. My hubby is going to airbrush a darker green around the edges today, for depth, then we will mask off the squares in the doors and paint them with the copper, then sponge on the antiquing to make it look like old copper. Then he will airbrush on “rivets”. I think when we are done, it will look really cool. If it does, we are going to do our kitchen cabinets the same way.

after first two colors. Bu looks demonic, lol

after first two colors. Bu is posing. :)

Will patina these door panels

Will patina these door panels

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Ultrasound shows fluid filled cysts, yipee

November 22nd, 2008by Vicky · No Comments

I never thought I’d be rooting for cysts, but that large mass turned out to be a large fluid filled cyst.  Feeling her pushing down to find all the cysts (crap I have 5 now) I realized I now know why it hurts so much when BuBastis walks across my chest when I’m laying down reading.  I’m lucky, they don’t hurt at all any other time, but wow do they hurt when she does that. :)

At least that is over for another year.  I know this is a blog about porn, but breast cancer is a real worry for a lot of women.  Don’t be like me, get regular checkups, check yourself monthly, and if you are over 40 like I am, get a mammogram every year.  Be one of the survivors.

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Couple loving on a red and white couch

November 21st, 2008by Vicky · No Comments

This couple makeout on a red and white couch in these pics. Lots of touches and licks. Kisses and sighs. I love when she has her head thrown back, riding his , you can tell she is really enjoying herself! Check out all the pics in this hot gallery for women.

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