I ran across this article in Google yesterday, its an old article, but Rachel Kramer asks is there such a thing as porn for women.
A new, 98 page book simply titled Porn for Women from Chronicle Books is causing a stir with its racy images . . . but not in the way you might think. Instead of full frontal nudity, the book mockingly features men (sometimes topless) doing household chores ranging from vacuuming to dusting to cleaning the stove, all with a smile on their faces. These hunky men say things like, “Well, I can’t offer you any solutions, but I am a good listener” and “Is that the baby? I’ll get her” and “Have another piece of cake. I don’t like you looking so thin.” All of women’s aggravations and insecurities are seemingly offered by perfect, successful men (complete with bios describing hobbies such as “Big Brother volunteer” and “giving massages.”
Unfortunately, the article was closed to comments, and I wanted to say, is there porn for women? You BET there is! And believe me, I don’t masturbate to guys doing housework either. Geeze what was she smoking when she created that book? Now if the guy was washing the car, getting all soapy and had a see-through t-shirt with washboard abs, ok, I’ll take that. I admit, that kind of stuff turns me on.
But I get off on kisses, licks. Touches and sighs. And pounding hardcore and sweet afterglow. Guess good old Rachel never looked at sites like For The Girls or Steamy Erotica For Her or any of a dozen sites I have on the front of Got Porn For Women.
Well, she asks the question, and all I can say is YES, the answer is YES.
Tags: porn for women