Posted on May 27, 2008 in My Day To Day Life, Weird News by Vicky
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Cleo, a friend of mine in the industry, posted up this article on a webmaster board showing that:

Compared with March a year earlier, Americans drove an estimated 4.3 percent less — that’s 11 billion fewer miles, the DOT’s Federal Highway Administration said Monday, calling it “the sharpest yearly drop for any month in FHWA history.” Records have been kept since 1942.

According to AAA, for the first time since 2002, Americans said they were planning to drive less over the Memorial Day weekend than they did the year before.

Personally, I didn’t even make it out of my yard Saturday and Sunday. I was too busy working on creating this blog, a blog on another site, and my regular work. (I work 7 days a week, what the heck is a holiday, anyways?). I thought back yesterday to previous Memorial Days, to the trips I went on picnics in the park, and realized I’ve become a hermit. The furthest I went was to my greenhouse to plant some more tomatoes in my garden.

My sister though, she is on her way to South Carolina to see a graduation of her step daughter from boot camp. When she called me this morning, she said that she had already spent $200 in gas to get from Michigan to North Carolina where they spent the night. No wonder no one is ! Can you imagine if they had drove a Motor Home, or something that got worse mileage? It would have cost them $500 so far, and they are not even to their destination, let alone the gas for the return trip.

We are a sad country if we cannot get energy independant enough to not rely on oil. Ok this is a rant of mine. After watching how Brazil has been using and has been energy independant for YEARS, it makes me mad that we can’t as a country do this. When one of the top people from GM was interviewed about producing flex fuel cars, he said

we are ready for production. We have been producing them for Brazil for years. The problem in the US is there are only pumps in about 1% of the gas stations. The oil industries don’t want to allow pumps in the gas stations, and it has been a struggle to do that.

Of course not, why would they with record oil profits in the billions? Which all leads back to the average citizen can’t afford to drive on a holiday this year.

All I can say is, I am glad I work out of my home on the internet. I’m in a very small town 120 mile round trip from the nearest Costco or theatre. And about 1,000 other things, but I can tap into the world from my desk chair. My brother now works from home too and telecommutes. I’m sure more people will be doing so and spending quality times in their backyards this summer instead of traveling the US as in the past.

Enough of a rant! Have a good one all, I guess that got me wound up, lol. Have a good one all, stay home, and look at . Its what I plan on doing. ;)

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Posted on May 26, 2008 in Other Erotica For Women, Weird News by Vicky
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I ran across this article in Google yesterday, its an old article, but Rachel Kramer asks is there such a thing as porn for women.

A new, 98 page book simply titled from Chronicle Books is causing a stir with its racy images . . . but not in the way you might think. Instead of full frontal nudity, the book mockingly features men (sometimes topless) doing household chores ranging from vacuuming to dusting to cleaning the stove, all with a smile on their faces. These men say things like, “Well, I can’t offer you any solutions, but I am a good listener” and “Is that the baby? I’ll get her” and “Have another piece of cake. I don’t like you looking so thin.” All of women’s aggravations and insecurities are seemingly offered by perfect, successful men (complete with bios describing hobbies such as “Big Brother volunteer” and “giving massages.”

Unfortunately, the article was closed to comments, and I wanted to say, is there ? You BET there is! And believe me, I don’t masturbate to guys doing housework either. Geeze what was she smoking when she created that book? Now if the guy was washing the car, getting all soapy and had a see-through t-shirt with washboard abs, ok, I’ll take that. I admit, that kind of stuff turns me on.

But I get off on kisses, licks. Touches and sighs. And pounding hardcore and sweet afterglow. Guess good old Rachel never looked at sites like For The Girls or Steamy Erotica For Her or any of a dozen sites I have on the front of Got Porn For Women.

Well, she asks the question, and all I can say is YES, the answer is YES.
