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This site takes the cake, my tiny dick

May 21st, 2009by Vicky · No Comments

I got an email today about a new small penis humiliation site called My Tiny Dick.  I feel sorry for the poor guy they have in this site, his penis is about 2 1/2″ long.  Wow, how you like to go through life knowing that your chances of pleasing a woman are slim to none?

It features different woman having sex (or trying to have sex) with this guy.  I notice on the tour they don’t show his face…I wouldn’t either If I was humiliated the way he is.

Reminds me of the man who took my virginity.  I had dated a few guys, and not going all the way, and looking back I realize they were very well hung.  But the guy I actually went all the way with was a big guy, over six feet, but his penis had to be less than 4″ long.  I ALMOST told him the first time I saw it, “is this a toy?”  Needless to say, waiting to have sex with him for the first time was less than satisfying.  Makes me wonder if he hasn’t gained weight, and he’s the “Jack” at this site.  (Thank GOD my husband of today would NEVER be on a tiny dick site, lol)

Anyways, its different, so if you want to see how a man with a really small penis has sex, check out the site My Tiny Dick.

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