Entries Tagged as 'Porn In The News'
May 18th, 2010by Vicky · No Comments
Yesterday, I was able to upgrade my phone and got a Samsung Highlight phone, that is a smart phone from T-Mobile. Also picked up unlimited internet. Whoo hoo. I can finally post up pics to facebook. 
Since I can also check out my blog, I have installed a plugin if you access Got Porn For Women from a phone, you will see a phone friendly version of the site. Enjoy!
Tags: Tags: mobile porn
February 10th, 2010by Vicky · No Comments
Just saw this article in the CourierMail, an online Australian newspaper that states according to a study done, one in three women watch porn online.
SEVENTY per cent of men and 30 per cent of women view pornography online – and it only becomes a “major problem” when taken to extremes, a study says.
The research, on how porn affects people’s work, finances and relationships, is being led by Dr Gomathi Sitharthan at the University of Sydney’s Graduate Program in Sexual Health.
It is like any other addiction that people can develop. Most people can drink a glass or two of alcohol, or maybe even get drunk now and then, but its not a problem. But alcoholics, all they can think of is there next drink when they are actively drinking.
Porn is like that, most men, and now a third of the women, can view porn occassionally to stimulate their sex life. They might even have a movie marathon once in a while, but life goes on and daily bills / work / chores get done. It is nice to see studies that show porn for women in a positive light. I love my job and looking at couples making love all day. Most of the time, it is just a job and it doesn’t really stimulate me. (I’ve seen a lot over the last 10 years). But every once in awhile, a story, or a picture, or a clip from a movie will really get my juices flowing. And my husband benefits as I skip down the hall to his office and invite him for a tryst. 
So the more women who enjoy porn the better I say. And I’m glad I’ve had a blog featuring links to quality online porn for women for them to view.
Tags: Tags: Porn In The News, study, women watching porn
December 8th, 2009by Vicky · No Comments
When I think of Good Housekeeping, I think of a 1950′s dressed woman like June Cleaver from Leave it to Beaver. I don’t think of them testing sex toys. But according to our industry trade magazine XBiz, the October issue of the U.K. version of Good Housekeeping did just that. They had 100 women ages 30 – 65 come up with their top five favorites. Why wasn’t I asked? I’d of been more than happy to try out vibrators. 
Read the full article at xBiz here.
Tags: Tags: good housekeeping, vibrators
November 17th, 2009by Vicky · No Comments
Violet Blue wrote an article for the Oprah Winfry online magazine called Eyes Wide Open. It was a wonderful article that showed that woman could enjoy online erotica. And I wrote a comment, . (vickygpfw).
I was contacted by a woman from Harpo Productions about being on the show, but sadly received the email to late, and they had already taped it. But today, the episode airs on Oprah. It feels good to know that women watching porn is now accepted enough that even Oprah will talk about it on her show. One in three women are watching, and given the number of people to my blog, and my sites, I know that there are a lot of other women out there like me that enjoy watching porn. Porn for women is here to stay, hurrah!
So tune in and watch today….and remember to keep your Eyes Wide Open.
Tags: Tags: Eyes Wide Open, Oprah Winfry, porn for women, Violet Blue
August 26th, 2009by Vicky · No Comments
Saw this article posted up about a woman going to India to “do trainings and documentation of organizations that work on health and rights issues with women and youth in India.” One of the things she is asking American woman for is any digital documentation of working in the sex industry in America…be it a photograph, or even a phone message, that she can take to India to exchange with the sex workers there.
Although I work in Porn, write this blog, and have all kinds of adult sites online, I don’t work per se in the sex industry. In other words, I don’t get naked in front of a camera.
If you do, however, then visit this article and drop her a line, picture, or phone message. I think it is a wonderful idea for her to go an exchange info like this. From what I’ve heard, women that do get into the sex trade in India, or pose for photographs are really stigmatized. Be nice to show them that it isn’t like that in the rest of the world. Click here for the entire article.
Tags: Tags: Indian porn industry
August 24th, 2009by Vicky · No Comments
A friend of mine posted up a link today to an article about Lizzi Miller, a 20 year old woman who bared all for glamour magazine, even though she doesn’t have a perfect model body. Most models, lets face it, are like size zero, have no curves, have been nipped and tucked to within an inch of their lives, and starve all the time to stay that way. Give me a woman with curves, and a bit of a belly. That is what real women look like today. Check out the article by clicking here.

Tags: Tags: curves, glamour, real woman
July 27th, 2009by Vicky · No Comments
Just saw an article on CNN, from Violet Blue who writes in Oprah.com that the numbers are up. The last time I’d seen stats, about 25% of women looked at internet porn. According to the first three months of 2007 Nielsen/NetRaitings about 1 in 3 visitors to adult web site s was female, and that about 13 million American woman check out porn at least once a month. You are not alone if you are a woman and enjoy porn. 
What surprised me though was Theresa Flynt, VP of marketing for Hustler video said that women are 56% of the business at her company’s video stores, and the female audience is increasing. That is great news, it is wonderful to see that the stigma regarding women watching porn is diminishing.
The article is long, but very good, and well worth reading. Check it out here.
Tags: Tags: cnn, Porn In The News, women and porn, women watching porn movies
June 6th, 2009by Vicky · No Comments
Saw this article in Times magazine about Bud Light’s new ad that uses a LOT of porn references in it. Pretty funny. You feel kinda sorry for this guy who is just trying to buy his favorite porn magazine without a lot of fuss. The commercial is over 2 minutes long, but worth watching and laughing about.
They call it porn creep…that porn references are starting to creep into main stream marketing. I think it should be porn running full tilt with sissors in this ad, as the porn references are not very subtle, and never ending.
I can remember going into stores to buy various porn magazines years ago, being embarassed about it. Especially being a woman and buying it. Thankfully, nothing like this happened to me. I’m sooooo glad for the internet. I can go and view porn without some guy looking at me like I’m some weirdo because, heh, I happen to like looking at naked men.
It will be curious to see if more and more commercials start referencing porn. Now if they would just mention one of my sites, I’d be real happy. 
Tags: Tags: bud light porn commercial, funny commercials, porn creep
May 21st, 2009by Vicky · No Comments
I got an email today about a new small penis humiliation site called My Tiny Dick. I feel sorry for the poor guy they have in this site, his penis is about 2 1/2″ long. Wow, how you like to go through life knowing that your chances of pleasing a woman are slim to none?
It features different woman having sex (or trying to have sex) with this guy. I notice on the tour they don’t show his face…I wouldn’t either If I was humiliated the way he is.
Reminds me of the man who took my virginity. I had dated a few guys, and not going all the way, and looking back I realize they were very well hung. But the guy I actually went all the way with was a big guy, over six feet, but his penis had to be less than 4″ long. I ALMOST told him the first time I saw it, “is this a toy?” Needless to say, waiting to have sex with him for the first time was less than satisfying. Makes me wonder if he hasn’t gained weight, and he’s the “Jack” at this site. (Thank GOD my husband of today would NEVER be on a tiny dick site, lol)
Anyways, its different, so if you want to see how a man with a really small penis has sex, check out the site My Tiny Dick.
Tags: Tags: small penis, tiny dick
May 17th, 2009by Vicky · No Comments
Read an interesting article at thestar.com and interview with Sasha Grey. A porn star who has over 150 movies under her belt, some of them extreme, and is now crossing over into mainstream movie making. She recently starred in a movie about a high-priced call girl that was interviewed about her work.
The 21 year old appeared on the Tyra Banks show who grilled her on how she could be a woman in porn. Yet Sasha Grey seems to be poised and ready to take on the questions, pointing out that its a business, and she seems to treat it that way.
I don’t know if I could have ever acted in a porn movie. For one thing, I didn’t have the body. I’m short and curvy, not leggy, and sex with a stranger doesn’t really turn me on.
But, having said that, I definitely would have gotten into being a web cam girl if the internet had been around when I was in my 20s, and made a lot of money doing so. To me, that would have been a safe way to flirt and be sexy while making a lot of money. (I know web cam girls that are making 6 figure incomes…wish I was).
I just don’t get some peoples take that think women who end up in porn were abused, unhappy, or have some grave emotional hang-ups that need years of therapy after doing hardcore movies. Most women I’ve met that are in the industry are about the exact opposite of that. They realize they can make money with their assets (their bodies) and treat it like any other buisness. Many when they get older expand out into either producing their own films or developing their own movie label, like Sasha Grey is.
The only drawback I can think of being in this industry is my mind is constantly in the gutter. I take almost everything I see or hear and filter it through this porn lens in my head. For instance, a friend of mine abbreviated black jack as BJ on her facebook blog, and I had to really think what the heck BJ could be in a casino…other than blowjob. It makes for some embarrassing moments when I’m talking to someone who doesn’t know I do porn, and they say something I take the wrong way, and I have to try and figure out what they are saying, in a non-adult context and not laugh out loud at them. But if that is the worst of my hang-ups, I can live with that.
Anyways, check out the article for a good read.
Tags: Tags: adult industry, call girl, porn star, Sasha Grey