Read an interesting article that someone linked to on facebook that digital dumping is on the rise. According to a survey, with a growing number of people preferring to use email and social networking Web sites to break up with their partners. You can read the full article at Reuters here.
It just shows how much we live online. Since I’ve been with someone for 11 years now, how to dump someone hasn’t been on the top of my list. But I have had a few ex’s that, had facebook been around, I probably would have chose that method too. They were the type you realized a few days after dating them that they were a black hole of need and wanted you to take the full-time job of filling it. Get a hobby for that!
I wonder how long before we find most of our partners online. Or, in the case of my customers for porn for women sites I sell, find satisfaction with a toy and some pictures / movies. Only time will tell.
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