My husband and I haven’t been to a theatre in about a year to see a movie, comes from it being 120 mile+ round trip to visit one. So on Wed, we decided to spend the night at the Fiesta Henderson casino which happens to have a movie theatre, and take in a few moves.
First we watched the new Mummy movie. It was ok, but not as good as the original. But Dark Knight, wow was that ever good! I feel Heath Ledger should win an oscar for his role as the Joker. He played a psychopath better than any other person I’ve ever seen. His performance way out shined everyone else, although the rest of the cast did well too. The action was intense, and almost non-stop throughout the movie, with some great twists that kept you guessing as what would happen next.
If you like action movies that are pretty dark, then you will love Dark Knight. Here is my favorite desktop image I found on the web, enjoy.
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