He had roamed the earth for over a 1,600 years as a silent guardian, watching over people, and saving them when they needed him. The son of one of the legendary knights of Arthur, Catigeren was a warrior who had no equal. He had found out though that with great strength, came great sacrifice.
So for all those years, he’d watched from a distance. Never getting too close to humans. Until one day he spied a Librarian leaving, and felt a connection to her he had never felt in all the years he lived. He found himself drawn to guard her above all others, and on the day she was attacked, his life would be forever changed…
This is the first part of my EXCLUSIVE series on Got 3D Porn. Ok, I admit, there is no porn in these pics. Might not be in the next set either. I’m a woman who loves romantic suspense. So this set of pictures is definitely for those of you like me who love a good story line before the clothes come off.
This is the first part of my EXCLUSIVE series inside Fantasy Worlds For Women. Ok, I admit, there is no porn in these pics. Might not be in the next set either. I’m a woman who loves romantic suspense. So this set of pictures is definitely for those of you like me who like a good story line before the clothes come off.
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