December 18th, 2008by Vicky · No Comments
Ok, compared to what everyone gets back east, it wasn’t all that great. But for Pahrump, NV, it was alot. In fact Vegas in parts got 8″ of snow, and the offical reading at the airport of 3″ was the largest single snow storm in December since they started keeping records in the 1930s.
I went outside and took some pictures of my yard. They are a bit dark because it was still snowing when I took them. My favorite was my mesquite trees. They had a coating of snow on every branch, and were so pretty. Sadly though, the snow was mostly gone by the next day.

Tags: Tags: hat, men, porn, snow, storm, women
December 16th, 2008by Vicky · No Comments
Looks like Vegas got some dumped on it, but at least nothing on my front yard. But the mountains all around our valley are another story. They are beautiful and snow covered. Unfortunately, we’ve only had peeks at them through the clouds, but once the clouds lift, I plan on taking some pictures.
In the meantime, I’m glad I’m indoors and toasty warm.
Tags: Tags: snow, storm, weather
December 14th, 2008by Vicky · No Comments
Wow, I can’t believe that for the first time since I moved to Nevada 10 years ago, we have winter storm warnings. They are talking up to 4″ accumulation tomorrow possible, down to the 2,000 foot level. My town is at almost 2700 feet.
Me, I’m not too worried about driving in snow. I grew up in Michigan, and this is nothing compared to what I’m used to. Its the rest of the Nevadians that have never driven in snow that makes me glad I work out of my house and can stay home tomorrow.
Should we wake up to winter wonderland tomorrow, I’ll post up some pics.
Stay warm and dry everyone.
Tags: Tags: driving, hat, snow, storm, weather, work
May 5th, 2008by Vicky · No Comments
An elderly couple, Ray and Bessie, are “Snowbirds” in Arizona.
Ray has always wanted a pair of authentic cowboy boots. Seeing some
on sale at WalMart, he buys them and wears them home, walking proudly.
He saunters into the house and says to his wife,
“Notice anything Different about me?”
Bessie looks him over and says, “Nope.”
Frustrated, Ray storms off into the bathroom, undresses, and walks
back into the room, completely naked except for the boots.
Again he asks, a little louder this time,
“Notice anything DIFFERENT NOW?”
Bessie looks up and says,
“Ray, what’s different? It’s hanging down today, it was hanging down
yesterday, it’ll be hanging down again tomorrow.”
Furious, Ray yells,
To which Bessie replies,
“Shoulda bought a hat, Ray. Shoulda bought a hat.”
Tags: Tags: boots, couple, cowboy, hat, joke, men, naked, snow, storm