December 4th, 2008by Vicky · No Comments

It’s fun to collect things that get washed up on the beach. Shells, driftwood, messages in a bottle, nude guys…
Marco here looks like the perfect castaway, oblivious to our prying eyes. There’s a lovely innocence to this pic, not to mention a certain artistic verve. Of course, he’s much MUCH more naked in the other photos.
If you want to see Marco’s rather impressive cock, you’ll need to visit For The Girls. Hot guys just for straight women.
Tags: Tags: artistic, beach, bum, butt, cock, for the girls, fun, guy, hat, hunk, lick, licks, love, men, naked, nude, sex, sexy, women
July 27th, 2008by Vicky · No Comments

Back in the 70s, when male centerfolds were shockingly new, this “reclining on the couch” pose was de rigeur for all aspiring stud muffins. Burt Reynolds’ classic 1972 centerfold features him relaxing nude, still breathing despite the weight of his mustache, looking every bit like the suave sexual god we knew him to be.
So Jack here is following in lofty footsteps (or is that bumsteps?). He’s got the pose just right, perfectly nonchalant yet still daring us to look away from the magnificence of his wedding tackle. This photo is just pure class all the way. Of course, the rest of the set is pretty good too. Jack is quite the hottie and a favourite at For The Girls.
See all his pic at FTG – quality erotica for women.
Tags: Tags: bum, centerfold, couch, erotic, erotica, for the girls, hairy, handsome, hat, hunk, lick, licks, male, men, nude, sex, sexy, wedding, women
June 20th, 2008by Vicky · No Comments

Far away, locked in the tower of Castle Tightbuns, handsome Oliver awaits his fate, biding his time by posing manfully and inching down the waist of his tight trousers. Who will come to rescue him? It’s you, fair maiden!
Get thee over to For The Girls for a full Castle Tightbuns experience!
Tags: Tags: bum, buns, centerfold, for the girls, handsome, hunk, lick, licks, maid, man