Sun Jul 08, 2007
Cat survives 3 weeks crossing ocean
This story will make you weep. I have two cats, and I really get choked up over cat stories.
SAN BERNARDINO, Calif. - A cat that spent nearly three weeks crossing the Pacific inside a shipping container with no food or water appears to be just fine.
Pamela Escamilla lost sight of her 3-year-old calico, Spice, while packing a large container with household goods in Waikoloa Village, Hawaii. The container was shipped June 15 to Southern California.
Escamilla, 39, and her husband could not find the cat before taking their flight and asked neighbors in Hawaii to call if Spice returned.
As it turns out, Spice spent 18 days in the pitch-black container without food or water before arriving at the San Bernardino home of Escamilla's parents on Tuesday.
Read the rest of the story here
Fri Jun 08, 2007
The computer ate my grades
You've heard the old excuse kids haved used for years, "The Dog ate my homework" well now the teachers have one, "The computer ate your grades." Read the whole story here. "Officials of Pennsylvania's Hollidaysburg Area School District say a computer crash has led to the permanent loss of fourth-quarter grades for more than three-thousand students. ". Makes me wonder if it wasn't vandalism.