Mon Jan 01, 2007
Welcome to Got Porn For Women
I'm typing this while my little Abyssinian cat BuBastis is sprawled out on my desk, drooling on my keyword and occassionally trying to hook my hand for more pettings. She reminds me of me when I look at some of the hot hunk pictures I have...drooling and begging for petting. ;)
This is my first entry in my Got Porn For Women blog. I have been building adult websites since 1999, and building sites specifically for women since 2005. Why the difference? Because truth to tell, I thought I was somewhat unique and that there weren't a lot of women out there cruizin the net, looking for erotic pics and down and dirty porn. Boy was I was wrong. I saw a post from a fellow webmistress, Grandma Scrotum, about a site she ran called For The Girls and I was hooked, I knew I wanted to start creating more websites specifically geared towards women.
Soooo for the past year I've been building freesites for ladies. I also run a link list that just has erotica for women Hot Porn For Women. My delicious hubby and partner in crime? MadHatter runs 3 other link lists that have categories for women, but also have categories for more traditional male porn.
I realized that I didn't really have a site that I could put it "all together" on. So Got Porn For Women was born. It will have links to the sites for women I have built. Links to sexy stories, and erotica built by others. My Blog that will give you insight into the world of a webmistress in the online adult entertainment industry. Plus interesting or funny things I run across in my wanderings. Hope you like the site, bookmark, and come back often.